Workshop Description
The main objective is to allow participants to become aware of the importance of their role in an evacuation and to understand the structure behind an Emergency Response Plan. The evacuation of a building containing more than a thousand people requires organized preparation to be effective and safe. It is essential to have an established structure that everyone knows about to avoid an unfortunate incident or even a tragedy. This training will allow you to learn that when faced with this type of stressful situation, an entire team is behind you.
The evacuation exercise is used to validate the emergency plans. It enables the verification that the fire alarm signal and other components (e.g. strobes, alarm signals) are working properly throughout the building, that the personnel involved are carrying out the tasks assigned to them. It also assesses whether the training received by the responders is properly applied or whether it needs to be reviewed.
Main content elements:
L’importance de participer
Voir les principaux acteurs et leurs rôles lors d’une évacuation
Comprendre l’organigramme de votre organisation en situation d’urgence
Connaitre votre rôle dans ce genre de situation
Objectifs d'apprentissage
Droits et obligations
Connaissance des lieux de travail
Qui fait quoi?
Quel est mon rôle?