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ValkarTech will implement an integrated process to support clients during the change process required to optimize the company's resources and achieve operational excellence in hygiene and sanitation.

The manager position  is now considered a key position for companies who are conscious of good governance and who place operational excellence as their primary concern. It is in this perspective that ValkarTech  proposes a training program inspired by its clients’ requirements and which responds perfectly to their hygiene and sanitation needs.  Gestion HB helps clients:


  • Establish a vision of the program;

  • Formulate their goals;

  • Develop and implementing the strategies;

  • Plan all operational actvities while taking into account the different constraints of their organization.

The analysis of hygiene and sanitation needs is done through exchanges  that will enable ValkarTech to accurately portray the type of intervention required.



Director of the training department at ValkarTech , Nathalie Thibault is an accredited microbiologist and has a master's degree in immunology. A certified trainer for 14 years, she specializes in infection prevention and hygiene and sanitation. For the last five years, she has been designing and offering, with the help of other certified microbiologists, continuing education courses in the field of hygiene and sanitation. When the sanitary interview crosses the microbiology, you get an improved and avant-garde vision of sanitation.

Nathalie Thibault, microbiologiste

Nathalie knows how to simplify the content of her classes and challenges herself to make the invisible visible....


Les femmes au bureau

Formations en ligne

Optimiser la performance opérationnelle de votre organisation.
Des formations qui s'adressent à tous les employés en entretien sanitaire, qu'il soient apprentis ou expérimentés.

Avec cette nouvelle plateforme de formations 100% en ligne, accessibles en tout temps, l'Académie ValkarTech propose une solution pour faciliter et accélérer l'intégration à l'emploi des nouveaux employés.

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As a professional consulting firm, we believe it is important to maintain a positive mindset while working collaboratively with our clients to define clear objectives and achieve meaningful and sustainable results.

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